Danckwerts-Pergamon Prize awarded to Jana Weber

The 2023 Danckwerts-Pergamon Prize has been awarded to Jana Weber.
Jana's thesis, entitled 'Circular chemistry through network science and optimisation on Big Data' posits that networks are essential to moving the field of Chemical Engineering towards a more sustainable future. Networks provide an interlinked framework for data, are key to assess mass and energy flow metrics, and form the basis of optimisation algorithms.
Jana's PhD was supervised by Professor Alexei Lapkin.
Jana Weber and Prof. Alexei Lapkin
Jana had a few words about winning the prize:
"The award means [a lot] to me! My thesis works often felt like not fitting very well in one specific scientific community due to their interdisciplinary nature. It is great to know that this type of work is appreciated by the community. I feel very honoured and proud to receive the Danckwerts-Pergamon price!"
Jana is now working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Intelligent Systems at TU Delft, in the Netherlands.
The Danckwerts-Pergamon Prize is awarded by the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology each year for the best PhD dissertation concerning a Chemical Engineering subject.