Royal Academy of Engineering/The Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship 2013/4 Entec Medal, 2007 Pilkington Prize, 2004 Frank Morton Medal, 2002 Piercy Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Minnesota, 2001/2 Winner, BBSRC/MRC bioscience business plan competition, 2000
"Chemical Product Design", 2nd edition, G.D. Moggridge and E.L. Cussler, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
"Prediction of mutual diffusivity in binary non-ideal liquid mixtures from tracer diffusion coefficients", G.D. Moggridge, Chem.Eng.Sci. (2012) 226-238.
"A real time SAXS study of oriented block copolymers during fast cyclical deformation, with potential application for prosthetic heart valves", J. Stasiak, A. Zaffora, M.L. Costantino and G.D. Moggridge, Soft Matter 7 (2011) 11745-11482.
"Modelling of shear rate distribution in two planetary mixers for studying development of cake batter structure", A.K.S. Chesterton, G.D. Moggridge, P.A. Sadd and D.I. Wilson, J. Food. Eng. 105 (2011) 343-350.
"Enhanced mortality of the biolfouling zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, through the application of combined control agents", R. Costa, P. Elliott, D.C. Aldridge and G.D. Moggridge, J. Great Lakes Research 37 (2011) 272-278.