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Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology

Welcome to the archive for the VPF8 conference held at Jesus College, Cambridge, UK, 16th-20th September 2019


This is the legacy website for the Viscoplastic Fluids:From Theory to Application 2019 workshop. It is mantained here as an archive of the VPF8 website.

Viscoplastic materials are fluids that exhibit a yield stress: below a certain critical shear stress there is no deformation of the fluid and it behaves like a rigid solid, but when that yield value is exceeded, the material flows like a fluid. Since the early 1980s there has been a growing interest and activity in viscoplastic fluids, motivated partly by mathematical advances, partly by computational challenges, partly by rheological advances and partly by an enormous growth in the range of application areas. VPF8 was the latest in the series of biannual international workshops on this topic. A key objective of the meeting was to provide a forum that allows a meeting of the leading scientists, engineers and mathematicians in the diverse range of fields that contribute to viscoplastic fluids.

There were 66 delegates at VPF8. Delegates came from (in alphabetical order) institutions in Austria, Brazil, Canada, Cyprus, Ecuador, France, Greece, Israel, Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, New Zealand, UK and the USA, with large contingents from Brazil, Canada and France. Nationalities represented were at least twice this number but these data were not collected formally.