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Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology


Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, Ageing, brain organoids, microelectrode arrays, highresolution imaging, fluorescence lifetime imaging, machine learning


Gabriele Kaminski Schierle is Professor of Molecular Neuroscience at the University of Cambridge, UK, and serves as the leader of the Molecular Neuroscience group. After her studies in Switzerland at the Université de Fribourg, she moved to Sweden and obtained her PhD in 1999 from Lund University, where she discovered a method that significantly increases the survival rate of neurones transplanted into the brains of patients suffering from Parkinson’s Disease (PD). Although the therapeutic success of the transplantation method was spectacular, she soon realised that the grafting of human embryonic tissue cannot constitute a long-term medical strategy and that cures must be sought by addressing the root causes of the disease. A personal fellowship from the Wellcome Trust permitted her to come to Cambridge and begin training on the molecular biology of neurodegenerative diseases. She has since built up an internationally recognised research group and infrastructure to investigate the molecular mechanisms causing proteins to misfold and form amyloid aggregates in model systems mimicking aspects of PD, Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and Huntington’s Disease. Her group has pioneered a research approach that combines advanced biophysical/optical methods with molecular neurobiology for research into neurodegeneration.

2021               Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
1996 – 1999    PhD in Medicine, Lund University, Sweden
1991 – 1996    Swiss Diploma in Biology (MSc equivalent), Université de Fribourg, Switzerland

2023               Professor (grade 12) of Molecular Neuroscience,
                      Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, UK
2021 – 2023    Professor (grade 11) of Molecular Neuroscience,
                      Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, UK
2020 – 2021    Reader of Molecular Neuroscience
                      Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, UK
2015 – 2020    Lecturer in Molecular Biotechnology,
                      Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, UK
2011 – 2015    Senior PDRA and Group Leader for Biology,
                      at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
2005 – 2011    PDRA (part time ca 50%) at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
2001 – 2005    PDRA at the Centre for Brain Repair, University of Cambridge, UK
1999 – 2001    PDRA at the Department of Physiological Sciences, Lund University, Sweden

2020               CSO of the Cambridge Infinitus Research Centre,
                      Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, UK
2018 – 2019    Scientific consultant for the Federal Research Agency of Korea.
2017               Director of the MPhil in Biotechnology,
                      Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, UK
2015 – 2020    Co-director of the Cambridge Infinitus Research Centre, Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, UK (
2015               Head of the Molecular Neuroscience Group,
                      Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, UK
2004 – 2005    Scientific Consultant for Zyentia Ltd., Cambridge, UK
2000 – 2002    Scientific consultant and project leader for a Danish pharmaceutical company (Lundbeck A/S)

1996    Marie Curie PhD fellowship of the EU
1999    Fellowship from the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (USA) 
2000    Future Scientific Leader award from the Swedish Society of Medical Research for improving neuronal survival
           of transplanted neurons in Parkinson’s disease
2002    Wellcome Trust Advanced Training Fellowship
2005    Foulkes Foundation Fellowship


Key publications: 
  1. Chung CW, Stephens AD, Konno T, Ward E, Avezov E, Kaminski CF, Hassanali AA, Kaminski Schierle GS.” Intracellular Aβ42 aggregation leads to cellular thermogenesis”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 144, 22, 10034–10041, 2022. 

  1. Stephens AD, Qaisrani MN, Ruggiero MT, Díaz Mirón G, Morzan UN, González Lebrero MC, Jones STE, Poli W, Bond AD, Woodhams PJ, Kleist EM, Grisanti L, Gebauer R, Zeitler JA, Credgington D, Hassanali A, Kaminski Schierle GS, “Intrinsic fluorescence in non-aromatic peptide structures is induced by collective vibrations, charge reorganisation and short hydrogen bonds, as shown in a new glutamine-related structure” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021, 118 (21), 2021. 

  1. Stephens AD, Zacharopoulou M, Moons R, Fusco G, Seetaloo N, Chiki A, Woodhams PJ, Mela I, Lashuel H, Phillips JJ, De Simone A, Sobott F, Kaminski Schierle GS “Extent of N-terminus exposure of monomeric alpha-synuclein determines its aggregation propensity” Nat Commun 11, 2820 (2020). 

  1. Qamar S, Wang G, Randle SJ, Simone Ruggeri F, Varela JA, Lin JQ, Phillips EC, Miyashita A, Williams D, Ströhl F, Meadows W, Ferry R, Dardov VJ, Tartaglia GG, Farrer LA, Kaminski Schierle GS, Kaminski CF, Holt CE, Fraser PE, Schmitt-Ulms G, Klenerman D, Knowles TP, Vendruscolo M, St George-Hyslop P, “FUS Phase Separation Is Modulated by a Molecular Chaperone and Methylation of Arginine Cation-π Interactions”, (2018) Cell 173, 720-734. 

  1. Lautenschläger J, Stephens AD, Fusco G, Ströhl F, Curry N, Zacharopoulou M, Michel CH, Laine R, Nespovitaya N, Fantham M, Pinotsi D, Zago W, Fraser P, Tandon A, St George-Hyslop P, Rees E, Phillips JJ, De Simone A, Kaminski CF, Kaminski Schierle GS, "C-terminal calcium binding of α-synuclein modulates synaptic vesicle interaction", Nature Communications (2018), online, pp1-13.  

Teaching and Supervisions


Biophysics and Biotechnology

Research supervision: 

Director of MPhil in Biotechnology (

Other Professional Activities

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Professor in Molecular Biotechnology
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Doctor Gabriele S Kaminski Schierle

Contact Details

(01233) 766549
Email address: 
Takes PhD students


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